Beyond the basic understanding of conventional treatments lies the realm of cranial osteopathy. It’s a nuanced approach that unlocks healing through our skull’s unique architecture. Understanding interconnected bones Intricately designed, our skull consists of twenty-six bones, each weaving a tale of interconnected relationships. While appearing static, these bones experience a dance of almost imperceptible shifts. […]
How osteopathy can help during pregnancy
Osteopathy is guided by the principle that misalignments within the musculoskeletal system cause pain that is treatable through non-invasive manual therapies. At no point does the human body endure more postural and physical change, then when a woman is pregnant. These changes can bring about imbalances that can cause significant pain during and after pregnancy, […]
How osteopathy can relieve knee pain
The knee joint is the largest and one of the most wondrous joints in the human body. It can flex, rotate and straighten and also carries most of the weight of an individual’s body. Unfortunately, as one of the most used joints in the body, it also comes under significant strain and stress, which can […]
What to Expect at Your First Osteopathy Treatment

So, you’ve been experiencing intense pain in your neck and back, and it’s led you to book an appointment with your local osteopath. You’re feeling anxious and apprehensive, as you don’t really know what to expect at your first osteopath appointment. But there’s no need to worry! In this blog, I will explain the different […]
Back pain in pregnancy

Experiencing back pain whilst pregnant can be very discomforting, but it can be easily treated! Here are some ways to deal with back pain during pregnancy: […]
Frequently Asked Questions About Cranial Osteopathy for Babies

If your child is unsettled, cranial osteopathy can be a very beneficial treatment to help them relax and develop normal sleeping patterns. Here, I will answer some of the most commonly asked questions about cranial osteopathy for babies. What is cranial osteopathy? Cranial osteopathy is a very gentle approach to osteopathic treatment. It uses subtle […]
Children’s Mental Health Week

It’s Children’s Mental Health Week this week and if you’ve noticed that your child seems a little off-colour recently, you could look to take them to an osteopath. Besides strengthening the musculoskeletal framework, the calming techniques of osteopathy can also help to ease the mind and are safe for children. Contact me for more information, […]
Back pain tips

Besides visiting an osteopath, regular exercise, a healthy sleeping pattern and taking care when lifting are just a few of the things you can do to keep your back pain at bay. Back Pain Tips […]
My practice

Osteopathic patients include both younger & older people and include (amongst others) children, office professionals, manual workers, pregnant women and sports people. A variety of techniques including joint manipulation, mobilization, stretching, soft tissue massage, and gentle techniques such as cranial are used on the affected area to relieve pain, reduce swelling and improve mobility. Each […]
Love walking and hiking?

If you’re suffering from back problems, it doesn’t mean that you need to hang up your hiking gear for good. Walking and keeping active can help to reduce the intensity of your back pain, but it’s important that you use the correct techniques to avoid worsening the problem. Read some expert advice here: Walking Tips […]